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Will The Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Improve or Destroy Society?

Ross Silver • May 17, 2023 defines Artificial Intelligence (AI)  as, “the ability of a digital computer, or a computer controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.”  Merriam Webster defines AI as 1) a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers; or 2) the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior.”  Over time, the definition of AI has changed and evolved. Today, ​​AI refers to the range of technologies that allows computers to enhance, supplement or replace human decision making. In short, AI is the ability of a machine to act like a human. 

Most people are probably favorable toward the development of technology and AI. Smartphones, Smart appliances, Smart TV’s, GPS,etc, have made life very convenient for us. Yet, is AI technology actually improving our lives, or crippling human kind? Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of the development of AI technologies. 

As previously stated, smartphones make things very convenient. We have access to a plethora of information at our fingertips. This can be very time saving as we instantaneously get access to directions, stock prices, news, recipes, etc. However, access to this instant information also prevents us from having to
learn basic skills for ourselves. Tasks such as map-reading, basic multiplication and division, and knowing how to do research or look up information are rapidly becoming extinct in mankind. We are graduating a generation of children that do not know their basic multiplication tables, do not know how to balance a checkbook, and would not know how to find their way around a city without GPS. 

More employers are incorporating AI into their business models. AI can perform tasks at a faster rate than humans and also can perform tasks that are potentially risky or harmful for humans. The cost-savings is also a plus to employers as they do not have to pay salaries, benefits, or retirement packages to AI. But does this actually benefit society or mankind? What happens to the humans who lose their jobs to this AI technology? How are they supposed to live and provide for their families? How are these humans supposed to be productive functioning members of society when they have no job to go to because a machine has replaced them? The need for man to work goes back to the beginning of mankind when God gave Adam the job of taking care of the Garden of Eden and naming all of the animals. Mankind needs to work. It is an integral part of how we were created. When AI takes over the workplace, we lose an important part of our purpose.

Mankind was also meant to live and thrive in community. Interpersonal communication and social interaction with others is vital for the health and well-being of people. We saw  a severe rise in depression, suicide and mental health issue during the COVID shut-downs. People need to be with people. We need face-to-face interaction and personal touch from others. The importance of human touch on our health came to light in the mid-1990’s when
two scientists traveled to Romania to examine the sensory deprivation of children in understaffed orphanages. The “touch-deprived” orphans had significantly lower levels of cortisol, the hormone responsible for metabolizing carbohydrates and proteins in our bodies, and lower growth development levels compared to orphans in their same age group who had been touched and held. 

The progressiveness of AI will disrupt the way we live in the human community.
Humankind has to be industrious to make their living, but with the service of AI, we can just program the machine to do a thing for us without even lifting a tool. Human closeness will gradually diminish as AI will replace the need for people to meet face to face for idea exchange. With the advancement of AI, personal gatherings will no longer be needed for communication. This will lead to isolation and eventually the extinction of interpersonal relationships. There is a price to pay for convenience. However, in this scenario, I am not sure the price would be worth it. 

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